August 6-11, 1999- Psychiatry on New Thresholds.
Organization : Pr. W. Gaebel, c/o CPO Hanser, Postfach 1221, D-22882 Barsbüttel, Germany- Fax : +49-40-6703283. E-mail:
(Last world congress of psychiatry of the century. It is the first time such event is organized in Germany, a country with great traditions in the fields of psychiatry and mental health- Expected attendance: 14000)
- Buenos Aires, Argentina (Regional Congress):
October 20-23 1999- The Psychiatric Hospital in the Next Millenium.
Organization: Dr. N.F. Marchant, Fax: +54 11 4 303 3796. E-mail:
- Foz do Iguassu, Brazil (Regional Meeting):
April 6-8, 2000. The efficacy of Psychiatric Interventions: Evidence and Outcome.
Organization : Pr. M.R. Jorge, Associacao Brasilera de Psiquiatria, Av. Presidente Vargas 435, gr. 1704, CEP 20071-003, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil- Fax: +55-11-2525994.
(Located at the borders of Brazil, Argentina, and Paraguay, one of the most spectacular sites in South America)
- Madrid, Spain (Thematic Conference):
June 23-24, 2000- Forensic and Legal Psychiatry.
Organization: Pr. A.Calcedo Ordonez, Spanish Society of Legal Psychiatry, Departamento de Psiquiatria y Psicologia Medica, Facultad de Medicina, Universidad Complutense, Ciudad Universitaria, 28040 Madrid, Spain- Fax: +34-91-394 1506.
(Expected attendance: 600)
- Paris, France (International Jubilee Congress of the WPA- Paris 1950-2000):
June 26-30, 2000- From Clinical Practice to Research: Rethinking Psychiatry.
Organization : Dr. J.Garrabé, Fédération Française de Psychiatrie, 9 rue Brantôme, 75003 Paris, France- Fax : +33-1-42783512. E-mail:
(This is to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the creation of the World Psychiatric Association and the first world congress of psychiatry which took place in 1950 in Paris- Expected attendance: 3 to 4000)
- Rhodes, Greece (Thematic Conference):
July 15-19, 2000- Second International Congress on Hormones, Brain, and Neuropsychopharmacology.
Organization : Pr. U. Halbreich, Biobehavioral Program, SUNY Clinical Center, 462 Grider Street, Buffalo, New York 14215 USA- Fax: +1-716-8920431- E-mail:
- Melbourne, Australia (Regional Congress):
Year 2001. Topic under discussion.
Organization: Pr. Graham D. Burrows, Department of Psychiatry, The University of Melbourne, Austrian and Repatriation Medical Centre, Heidelberg, Victoria 3084 Australia- Fax: +61 3 9459 0821- E-mail : congress will gather psychiatrists and mental health workers from countries of the Pacific Rim)
- Madrid, Spain (European Congress):
September 30-October 3, 2001- New Commitments for Psychiatrists.
Organization: Pr. J.J. Lopez-Ibor, Clinica Lopez-Ibor, Nueva Zelanda 44, 28035 Madrid, Spain- Fax: +34-91-3162749. E-mail: attendance: 5000)
- Yokohama, Japan (XII World Congress of Psychiatry):
August 24-29, 2002- Partnership for Mental Health.
Organization: Pr. J. Suzuki, Wing Bldg. 52, 25-18, 3-Chome, Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113, Japan, Fax: +81-3-3814-2991.
(First world congress of the next century, and first ever to take place in Asia and Pacific Rim regions- Expected attendance: 13000)
XIIIth World Congress of Psychiatry
(Deadline for bids: end of August 1999).
Year 2000- Topic under discussion.
Organization: Pr. S. Abd El Azim, 32 El Falaki Street, Cairo, Egypt- Fax: 202-3562140.
- Moscow, Russia:
Year 2000. Topic under discussion.
Organization: Pr. V.Krasnov, State Research Center of Psychiatry, Poteshnaya 3, Moscow 107076- Fax: +70 95-9637626.
- Budapest, Hungary (Thematic Conference) :
Year 2001. Topic under discussion.
Organization: Pr. I.Bitter, Semmelweiss University of Medicine, Department of Psychiatry, Balassam u.6, Budapest 27, H-1083 Hungary- Fax: 36-1-2100339- E-mail: <>
- London, U.K:
Year 2001. 2001, A Mind Odyssey.
Organization: The Royal College of Psychiatrists, 17 Belgrave Square, London SW1X 8PG, United Kingdom- E-mail:
- Turku, Finland :
August 1-4, 1999- From Epidemiology to Clinical Practice (WPA Section of Epidemiology and Public Health) Satellite meeting of the XI th World Congress of Psychiatry of Hamburg.
Organization: Pr. V.Lehtinen, Stakes, National Research and Development Centre for Welfare and Health, PO Box 220, Fin-00531 Helsinki, Finland- Fax: +358-9-39672155- E-mail:
August 3-5, 1999- Mental Health Economics and Psychiatric Practice in Central and Eastern Europe (WPA Section on Mental Health Economics)
Organization: Dr. M.Moscarelli, ICMPE, 7 Via Daniele Crespi, 20123 Milano, Italy- Fax: +39-02-58106901.
- Chicago, USA:
May 10-12, 2000- 2000, The Value of Psychiatry, Economic and Health Policy Implications (WPA Section on Mental Health Economics)
Organization: Dr. M.Moscarelli, ICMPE, 7 Via Daniele Crespi, 20123 Milano, Italy- Fax: +39-02-58106901.
- Warsaw, Poland :
- Santiago de Chile- Chile
September 5-20, 1999- World Congress of the World Federation for Mental Health.
Organization : Pr. B. Vicente, Universidad de Concepcion, Departamento de Psiquiatria y Salud Mental, Casilla 160-C- Concepcion, Chile- Fax: +56-41-312799- E-mail:
September 22-25, 1999- Torture as a Challenge to the Health, Legal and Other Professions.
Organization : K.Henriksen, IRCT, Borgergade 13, P.O. Box 2107, DK-1014 Copenhagen, Denmark- Fax: +45-33 76 05 00- E-mail: October 20-23, 1999 - Second Conference on the Synthesis between Psychopharmacology and Psychotherapy.
Organization: Pr. S. Tyano, Geha Psychiatric Hospital, PO Box 12, Petach Tikva 49100, Israel- Fax: +972-3-9258361. E-mail: November 6-10, 1999- Preventing Suicide at the Dawn of the New Century (XX Congress of the International Association for Suicide Prevention).
Organization: Pr. C. N. Stefanis, University Mental Health Research Institute, c/o Easy Travel, 19 Aiagnosopoulou St., 10673 Athens, Greece- Fax: +30-1-3625572. E-mail: November 24-27, 1999- 21st Century: a Century for the Promotion of Mental Health (Regional Symposium North-South of APAL).
Organization: Pr. E. Belfort, Av. Libertador, Edif. Majestic. Piso 6, N°64, Aptdo. 1050, Caracas, Venezuela- Fax+58-2-7312024/2382340- E-mail: March 27- April 1st, 2000- XIV Central American Congress of Psychiatry.
Organization: Dra. Gloria Grimaldo, Sociedad Panamena de Psiquiatria, Apartado Postal 4816, Zona 7, Republica de Panama- Fax: +507-2231462
- Linz, Austria:
June 15-17, 2000- 19th Danube Symposion of Psychiatry.
Oeganization: Pr. W. Schony, c/o pro mente Upper Austria, Figulystrasse 32, A-4020 Linz, Austria- Fax: +43-732-651321- E-mail: - Wurzburg, Germany:
October 5-7, 2000- Differentiated Diagnostics of "endogenous" psychoses, neurotic disorders and personality disorders (5th Congress of the International Wernicke-Kleist-Leonhard Society)
Organization: Pr. H.Beckmann, Psychiatrische Universitatsklinik, Fuchsleinstrasse 15, D-97080 Wurzburg, Germany- Fax: +49-931-203 427- E-mail: Spring 2001- Reducing the Stigma of Mental Illness.
Organization: Pr. M.C.Angermeyer, Klinik und Poliklinik fur Psychiatrie, Johannisalle 20, D-04317 leipzig, Germany- Fax: +49-341-9724539/9724539- E-mail: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* EC decision pending For more informations, please contact Pr. D. Moussaoui, WPA Secretary for Meetings, University Psychiatric Center Ibn Rushd, rue Tarik Ibn Ziad, Casablanca, Morocco- Fax: 212-2-204102/228719-
E-mail : - New Delhi*, India:
- Geneva, Switzerland:
- Athens, Greece :
- Margarita, Venezuela :
- Panama :
- Leipzig, Germany :
Dernière mise à jour : jeudi 17 juin 1999 9:59:49 Dr Jean-Michel Thurin
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